Thursday, October 27, 2005


So, it appears that the prospect of 'losing' Anthony, so completely debilitated my senses that I totally shut down and have neglected to post here for quite some time!!!

I want to bullet a quick update of the last two months. I will do so as to entertain all three of you who read this ;)

The Top TEN Things that happened while I was on mental vacation-

10. Hurrican Katrina blew down my beloved New Orleans!!! Both Vic and I volunteered to go down there, sharing what little talent we have in the area of reconstruction expertise and cooking/mothering skills. The Red Cross was fulled up and told us they would call us in October. I wait by the phone still.

9. Dad turned 70 and we threw him a surprise birthday party!!! If Mom will send me some pictures I will post them here. The evening was a smashing success and we got to see relatives we haven't seen in over ten/fifteen years! (the kids haven't seen them anyway). Dad really seemed to enjoy himself. He was the 'belle' of the ball. :)

8. Andrew started playing Fall baseball and is loving it! It's good for his soul to do something he loves.

7. Andrew was invited to be in the National Honor Roll publication, due out next summer. We are completing his application now.

6. Andrew finalized his list of colleges for application (this is really an Andrew year). It includes; Boston College, Fordham University, Northeastern University, Providence College, College of the Holy Cross and Marist College.

5. Chelsea was invited to have a 'show' of her phootgraphy at the Tracy Arts Center in town, now if I can just make the phone call to confirm.... details to follow.

4. Vic, Dot and I traveled to Virginia to see the boy during Parents Weekend. It was great fun and Anthony really seemed to enjoy having us there.

3. The kids got to see My Chemical Romance (an Emo band they love) up close and personal. They even got pictures with the band members! Chelsea just about fainted and Andrew was the talk of the town!

2. I had my 25th (yes that is right!) class reunion. The consensus is that the woman all look fabulous and the men look old.

And the number one thing that happened while I was on mental vacation:

ANDREW GOT HIS LICENSE!! Yeah Bean! He beat the evil empire and won the golden ring! So he has been driving EVERYWHERE, all day, all night. Can't keep a good man down. So send congrats to the Bean for not giving up and for getting back on the horse. Good work Bean!


Anonymous said...

Congrats for Andrew and Chelsea!

I saw Drew goes to school in Boston that way I have one of lovely cousins near me!

I can't wait to see all of you at Thanksgiving! As ususal I will be the late one but none the less I can't wait!

I saw some of Chelsea's photography and she is very good at it. Looks like we got a photo journalist on our hands.

See you all in 21 days!

ashley t

Anonymous said...

ps sorry about my spelling. it's 8:59 in the morning and I have US History to go to.

by saw.. i mean hope.

oh well.

ashley t